How To Get Google AdSense Approval For New Blog

Google AdSense is like Emperor in online ad networks. You can use it for your blog or website. Google AdSense have far more advertisers with far better prices than any other ad network. Every new professional blogger dreams about adding AdSense to his/her blog. In past getting approved for Google AdSense was very hard and time taking process. You won’t believe but many guys waited for six months to get approved for program.

Google AdSense

But now things has changed. Now Getting approved for AdSense program is really easy. if you follow the rules of google honestly you will get approval really very fast. Believe it or not I got approval only in two days, although my blog at that time was four months old. Here i am sharing my experience and process of getting approved.

How to Get Google Adsense Approval

Setup Your Blog Ready for AdSense

Google doesn’t give automatic approval for AdSense program. There are moderator in google offices who check your application for request of AdSence approval for your website or blog. They visit your blog and they check that whether your blog fullfill the requirements or not. You can check these requirements on Goolge AdSense page. According to these requirements for some countries like India and China, websites or bogs should be six months old. Well this is not very hard and fast rule. As i said i got approval for my 4 months website in India. Many other bloggers got approval for their one month old website. All that matters is the “quality” of your blog. Keep your blogs quality high and will quickly get approved. Here are the steps which can help you to maintain your blog’s quality.

Applying For Google AdSense

Now if you have a quality blog which fulfills google’s terms and conditions, you could apply for AdSense program. You can visit the Google AdSense Signup page and their if you have already have a google account ( like gmail account ) then you can simply sign in using that account or if you don’t have you can easily create a new google account.

Signin AdSense using Google Account

Signin AdSense using Google Account

After you sign in, Google will ask information about you website where you want to use AdSense ads.

AdSense Give youe website details

This form asks you to enter the website address where you wish to display AdSense ads. Only enter your blog’s address without any other details like http:// or https://. Select the language of your blog’s contents.



Enter you country and timezone. Carefully enter the “payee name”. Make sure payee name is the same as the bank account holder’s name, as AdSense will issue check or EFT payment under that name. If there is mistake in payee name, that will cause a big trouble because in some countries editing payee name is not allowed. So make sure your AdSense account payee name and bank account name are exactly the same.

Enter you Address and pin code. Give information about how you get to know about adsense and email preferences.

adsense information payee


After you have fully entered the information and submitted the request form, wait for an email from google. They will send you email regarding to your request and either they accepted it or not. If you have followed the process without any mistake you will get approved for AdSense.

adsense approved email

If you have any question or you are facing any problem in AdSense account creation, ask me in the comments section. Subscribe to our newsletter and share this post on Facebook, twitter and other social media platforms if you find this article helpful.

About Siddharth Mishra

Siddharth is a programmer, blogger and learner. He loves to read and write about programming, education, new technologies and financial stuffs. He loves to do new experiments and reading history books.

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